Gomes Media Strategies is your very own “journalist whisper.” Molding our unique background from years of working at various media outlets, we know how to get to the point and what is newsworthy.
A “journalist whisperer” is a PR professional who can speak a journalist’s language. Someone who doesn’t have to use press releases or mass emails but has developed relationships to the point where they are only a call, informal email or G-chat away from the right journalist to cover their client’s or organization’s story.
Isn’t this what the whole media relations function is all about, what it’s always been about? Perhaps in the bygone days of long lunches, ad-stuffed newspapers and magazines and fat expense accounts (both on the PR and media sides of the equation) no one had to be told to be a journalist whisperer. There was time to build relationships.
Now it’s just plain hard to keep relationships of all types together. The pace of life and technology itself seems to have driven wedges between individuals—between family members, between friends, between business colleagues.
To read this PRNews blog post in its entirety, visit the PRNewsblog.